Data Governance


Data is the most important asset for organizations. Adherence to data protections laws is very crucial in this digital world where everything revolves around data. Government regulations such as GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulation) and LGPD in Brazil are used to govern the use of data by organizations.

According to Oracle, ‘’Data governance is the specification of decision rights and an accountability framework to encourage desirable behaviour in the valuation, creation, storage, use, archival and deletion of data and information. It incudes the processes, roles, standards, and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of data and information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals’’.

In simple words, Data governance plays a key role in regulatory compliance, ensuring that organizations use the data in compliance with the regulatory requirement. It is the management of people, process and technologies that involved in the process of creation, usage, and deletion of data within an organization.

We have heard many instances of data leaks that revealed confidential information of customers.  This happens due to the lack of data governance within an organization. Data governance can guarantee the security of information. This leads to improved data quality and helps to avoid data inconsistencies which leads to integrity issue.

How to build effective data governance in your organization?

Many organizations struggle with data governance because the management fail to understand the important of data and how crucial it is for the organization. It is important to educate and involve decision making teams in data governance. Data governance requires change in organization design. A data management office led by a team should specialise in data management strategy and set up standards and practices to be followed to manage and process data within the organization. 


 Objectives for effective data governance strategy:

·    Use of Data: The management should check the source and quality of data to prevent data errors and misuse of personal or critical data. This can be achieved using policies and procedures while handling data within the organization. Define data policies such as user access, data retention, data minimization and data protection.

·    Complying to data regulations: All regulations with regards to safeguarding data must be met while developing and implementing different processes. Conduct workshops across various management levels to deploy data governance.

·         High Data Security: Data must be protected  and access to data must be authorized. Implement systems to monitor and flag violations across organization’s database.

Benefits of Data Governance

·         Better Decision Making: Strong data governance results in quality data. This helps organizations to take data driven decisions. This helps investors and management to grow their business.

·         Protects organization from legal issues: With government regulatory bodies governing the use of data, any data leaks or misuse of data can lead to legal repercussions. This can result in lose of business and trust among customers.

                                                                                                        Submitted by: Akhil Basil

Keywords: #Data quality #Governance #data management #data security #data integrity #data privacy #general data protection regulation.


·         Petzold, B., Roggendorf, M., Rowshankish, K., & Sporleder, C. (2020, July 02). Designing data governance that delivers value. Retrieved from


·         Team, D. (2020, June 12). How to apply Data Governance to Digital Marketing. Retrieved from


  1. Data governance is used at both micro and macro levels and with respect to this post it can be used at a micro level. It is a data management concept and forms part of corporate data governance. It helps increase consistency and confidence in decision making as it makes the travel agency more trustworthy. It also improves data security defining and verifying the requirements for data distribution policies. Data governance also helps the travel agency maintain its records efficiently.

  2. Thanks for making a blog about data governance. data is the most important thing in a human life. so people need to keep their data's safe. In the current world most people are attacked by cyber space. Information security may be ensured by data governance. This improves data quality and helps to eliminate data inconsistencies, which can lead to issues with data integrity. Data quality is the outcome of good data governance. This enables businesses to make data-driven decisions and gain their customers more trust.


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