Privacy Policy

 1. What data do we collect?

Personal Identification: name, email, content looked at, the information we collect as you use our services, browsers, devices, activity, purchase activity.

2. How we collect your data?

Register your account on our website

Place an order on any of our services.

Contact us regarding any queries

Use or view our blog via browsers cookies 

Provide us feedback on any of our services

3. How will we use your data? 

Process your order and manage the services you receive from us.

Personalize your experience with us

Email or contact you with special offers or promotions you may like.

Suggest other services that may suit your needs

4. How do we store your data?

Our company securely stores your data at the company’s records cloud at the office, encrypted for security precautions and can only be accessed by authority only when necessary. Our company will keep your personal data and personal data only for a period of two months. Once this time period has expired, we will delete your data by erasing your data from our systems. The customers have a right to request us to delete their data even before the 2-month period and will be complied if they wish to.

5. Marketing

Our company would like to send you information about products and services of ours that we think you might like. If you have agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt out at a later date. You have the right at anytime to stop our company from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your data to other members of ‘The Trip Designer’.

6. What is your data protection rights?

You have certain rights in relation to your Personal Data. If you would like further information in relation to these or would like to exercise any of them, please contact our Data Protection Officer at at any time. You have the right to request that we:

provide access to any Personal Data we hold about you.

update any of your Personal Data which is out of date or incorrect.

delete any Personal Data which we are holding about you.

restrict the way that we process your Personal Data.

prevent the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.

provide your Personal Data to a third-party provider of services.

provide you with a copy of any Personal Data which we hold about you; or

consider any valid objections which you have to our use of your Personal Data.

We will consider all such requests and provide our response within a reasonable period (and in any event within any time period required by applicable law). Please note, however, that certain Personal Data may be exempt from such requests in certain circumstances. 

If an exception applies, we will tell you this when responding to your request.  We may request you provide us with information necessary to confirm your identity before responding to any request you make.

If we delete any Personal Data which we are holding about you, this deletion may only relate to the Services and not any other service provided by us in other jurisdictions. You should make requests for each account that you may have set up to access the Services or any other service provided by us.

7. What are cookies?

Cookies are necessary for modern Internet use, yet they pose a risk to your privacy. HTTP cookies are a crucial component of web browsing since they allow web developers to provide you with more personalized and convenient website visits. Cookies allow websites to remember you, your logins, shopping carts, and other information. It's easy to become overwhelmed when it comes to protecting your privacy online. Fortunately, even a simple awareness of cookies can assist you in keeping prying eyes away from your online activities.

8. How do we use cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small bits of information such as a username and password that are used to identify your computer when you connect to the internet. HTTP cookies are used to identify and improve your web browsing experience by allowing you to identify specific users. When you connect to the server, the server creates data in a cookie. This information is identified by a number that is unique to you and your computer. When your computer and the network server exchange cookies, the server reads the ID and knows what information to provide you personally.

9. What type of cookies we use?

Cookies set by the website you're visiting are known as first-party cookies. These are generally safer, as long as you are viewing respectable or non-compromised websites.

Third-party cookies are even more dangerous. They're generated by websites that aren't the same as the ones that users are visiting right now, usually because they're related to adverts on that page. Advertisers and analytics organizations can use third-party cookies to follow an individual's surfing behavior throughout the web on any site that contains their adverts

10. How to manage your cookies?

Cookies are a non-essential aspect of your online experience. You may control which cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device if you want to. Allowing cookies will make your browsing experience more efficient. For some people, the security risk of not having cookies is more significant than having a convenient online experience.

11. Privacy policies of other websites

The Our Company website contains links to other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.

The Sites may include links to other websites or applications. Such websites or applications are governed by their respective privacy policies, which are beyond our control. Once you leave our servers (you can tell where you are by checking the URL in the location bar on your browser), use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the website/application, you are visiting. That policy may differ from ours. If you can't find the privacy policy of any of these third-party sites via a link from the respective website / application's homepage, you should contact the website/ application owners directly for more information.

We do not provide any personally identifiable information to third party websites / advertisers / ad-servers without your consent. 

12. Changes to our privacy policy

Our Company keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. We may alter our Policy from time to time to incorporate necessary changes in technology, applicable law, or any other variant. In any case, we reserve the right to change (at any point of time) the terms of this Policy or the Terms of Use.

Any changes we make will be effective immediately on notice, which we may give by posting the new policy on the Sites. Your use of the Sites or Services after such notice will be deemed acceptance of such changes.

We may also make reasonable efforts to inform you via electronic mail. In any case, you are advised to review this Policy periodically on the Sites to ensure that you are aware of the latest version.

13. How to contact us

If you have any questions about Our Company’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us at:

Call us: 353 892759098

14. How to contact the appropriate authority

Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that Our Company has not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office.


Address: 53, Phibsborough Road, Dublin 7
